Friday, September 6, 2013

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 10

Dun dun dun…it’s happened. I have hit the double digits and life will start to get pretty interesting from this point forward.  I have this feeling that I want the weeks to go by quickly so I can be done with this challenge, but at the same time, I want them to go by slow because Mondays like to laugh in my face and take my money! I am in a slight state of depression every Monday morning as I slowly walk my way towards the teller counter like a zombie to withdraw my amount for the week. However, as I head back to my office with the green pieces of my soul in hand, I remind myself to suck it up. It will all be worth it a year from now, or at least it better be.
I am actually pretty proud of myself. I have not been eating out and instead have been buying groceries that will last me for a couple weeks. Right now my diet consists of cereal, PB&Js, and grilled cheese. Let me tell you, I make the best gourmet bowl of cereal you have ever tasted. It takes mad skills and a little natural talent to pour the milk in just right. I don’t mean to brag; but, I have been making cereal since the first grade. Grilled cheese is hard, it burns.
I have also demonstrated amazing self-control. I have had an invite to a Ranger’s game, dinner with friends, and the little red Target bull’s eye symbol has become a frequent character in my dreams tempting me to walk through the doors of a company that probably could have made me part owner of a long time ago. And just last week, a co-worker was making a Starbucks run and asked if I would like anything. Did I want that Grande Chi Tea Latte and be able to taste that little happiness in a white paper cup? Well, duh…of course I did, but I stood my ground and sadly said, “No, I’m good.” When she returned with all the drinks and I watched the girls swallow the liquid heaven with this look of complete satisfaction on their face, I stood there with my FREE water from the office water cooler and was proud for not giving in and spending the $4 for my tea. You may think that is just a minimal amount and I could have bought the tea, but I think ahead and know that the $4 will go towards my $11 for next week.
In closing, I wanted to say thank you to all who signed the pledge and have committed to take the Challenge with me. It will be a long year but I know we all can make it to the end! Please let me know how you are doing in your challenge and feel free to offer any words of advice to myself and others out there participating. I love hearing from you and will be sending words of encouragement your way soon. As Joe Dirt would say, let’s “Keep on keepin’ on!”

Total Savings:  $55.00

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

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