Tuesday, April 22, 2014

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 41

Well, I can finally see some light at the end of this year-long tunnel! It is hard for me to believe that a year has almost passed. Time really does fly. If you are still hanging in there on this savings challenge, stay strong!
Speaking of hanging in there, I have to be honest with you all. A lot has happened to me since the last time I posted to you. If I remember correctly, I was saying “sayonara” because I was headed to Hawaii. Well, it was beautiful and I had an amazing time, other than getting pretty sick for a couple days. I also stayed within my budget I had set for the trip (Snaps for Tawny!).  Although going to Hawaii was pretty huge for me and very stressful on my budget, something bigger and even better has happened. I AM ENGAGED!

Yes, that is right. I am currently planning a wedding for THIS August. That is about a five-month engagement. Talk about the mother ship of budgets! If you have ever planned a wedding before, you can relate. Anything that has to do with a wedding is automatically about twenty times the normal cost of the item. For example, normal paper napkins are about $2.00-$3.00 for about 100. Wedding napkins are about $10.00-$15.00 for the same 100 count! Personally, I do not see spending $10 on an item someone will wipe their food stains with and throw away.  There are some people that want the fancy wedding napkins that look exactly like the regular napkins, and that is ok. However, my budget nor my mindset will allow me to do that, but I think you get the point I am trying to make.

That being said, five months is not a lot of time to really set aside money for a wedding. Even a small wedding, which was what I had envisioned in my head and has now grown much larger than anticipated, will cost a pretty penny. Although I do have my parents and other family members helping, I am paying for quite a bit. This saddens me to tell you that, I have regrettably spent some of my Savings Challenge money. Yes… I know, I know! I feel really bad about it and it is certainly not what I wanted to do since we are so very close to the end, but a bride has to do what a bride has to do, right? RIGHT? I am just looking for some reassurance here. I will continue to try and put back each week as planned. I am not sure how this will end up and, truthfully, I do not see me having the full $1,378 at week 52, but I will do my best to get close. Although, I am glad that I had that money put back to be able to use for the wedding.  After all, saving money for future use or unexpected needs is what the 52 Week Savings Challenge is all about.

Hopefully all of you challenge takers out there are not too disappointed in me, but I felt it was best to be honest with my “follwers.” I am not going to lie; it feels kind of cool to think I have followers! Anyway, for those of you still in it, keep on truckin’ and make it to the finish line. I will do my absolute best to see you there!

Total Savings: A mere $350 L (Supposed total for week 41 = $861) 

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

The Word of Virtual Banking

What really separates Texas Bank and Trust from other financial institutions? Is it our product line, our interest rates, or is it our staff? In my humble opinion, it is 100 percent our staff of highly skilled, well-trained individuals who are dedicated to serving our customers and love what they do. That is what it is all about, right? That is exactly how T3, our Tech Support Team, came to life for Texas Bank and Trust. We wanted to focus on the customer experience and revolutionize the way our customers bank online. T3 is a dedicated group of individuals who love technology, some may call them "Tech Geeks." This group is responsible for supporting all things that pertain to our virtual branch, which includes our website TBTonline, online banking, mobile banking and our cash management product line. Our goal is to create an environment of specialized support for each and every customer and to promote the use of our e-banking products.
In an effort to spring board this customer experience to the next level in 2014, we are going on a T3 World Tour to "Unleash" all that the virtual branch has to offer! This will be an exciting year as myself, along with my very skilled T3 staff we be making appearances at every TB&T Branch. We hope this tour inspires all customers to get excited about banking online and it will be a great opportunity for them to meet our T3 staff live and in person! We encourage everyone to come by and visit us when we are at your branch location and feel free to bring your phones, tablets, or laptops as we would love the opportunity to show you how to use all of our e-banking products or better navigate our website. Click here to view official tour dates and times.  
I look forward to a fun and exciting year as we revolutionize our way of delivering exceptional customer service for the world of virtual banking! 

By: Chris Davis
      Assistant Vice President and
      Electronic Banking Manager

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 33

As you are sitting there reading this blog post, I will be sitting on the gorgeous beaches of Hawaii. That’s right, HAWAII! Now, I know many of you are thinking, “how can she afford to go to Hawaii when she is doing the Savings Challenge?” Well my friends, the answer to that is Christmas money. I did not use a dime of my own hard-earned money to pay for this trip, it was all someone else’s money…that they gave to me.  On top of that, I only had to purchase my plane ticket as I am staying with someone I know while I am there. Here comes the hard part…spending money!

While my trip is paid for, I know for a fact that I will want to buy souvenirs, try different activities, and eat the local cuisine. Not to mention I will be in three different airports before I arrive at my destination and you know how expensive airports can be. So I have come up with a plan to still have a great time and get the things that I want without coming home completely broke. Drum roll please…my plan is called a budget! It’s not groundbreaking I know, but it is a sure way to stay on top of your spending while on vacation.

In route to the Hawaiian Islands, I have packed a few snacks so I will not have to buy food in the airport, maybe just a bottle of water.  Also, they do give you a light snack and drink on the plane so I am also taking that into account. However, if I do find myself starving and in desperate need of a cheeseburger I have set aside a predetermined amount of money labeled as “airport money.” I can use this for food, entertainment, or necessities I may need while there. I will have an eight-hour layover in one place and three hours in another so this money may definitely come in handy.

Once I get to paradise, it will be a little overwhelming and I have a pretty good idea that I will want to buy everything I see at that very moment. Hey, what can I say? I am a girl that sometimes gets a little crazy and impulse buys. I once bought a cool looking coffee maker because it was on sale. Please note, I do not like or drink coffee. Anyway, I have decided not to buy any novelty type items or souvenirs for the first couple days. I will let my Hawaii euphoria wear off and then decide if I still want to buy it. As I did with the airport, I have set aside a predetermined amount of “Hawaii money” to spend on activities, food, and gifts. Once I reach my limit, I am not allowed to spend anymore. This will make me think twice before I buy something and I can decide if I really want it or just have spending fever. Also, my friends have let me know that my packing was pretty extensive, to say the least. Since I am already pushing weight limits with my luggage I will need to keep in mind what I buy so I will be able to bring it home. This will be a big deciding factor in what I think I can’t live without.  Plus, I do not want to have to pay the overweight fee!

So, even if you are strapped for cash or participating in the Savings Challenge, there are still loop holes, if you will, to having fun or taking a vacation. Use Christmas or birthday money like I did or set a little extra aside in a vacation fund. Find coupons or deals online for different activities in your area. You can get great offers like buy one get one free for a dance class or 20 percent off your next meal at a new restaurant. You never know what you will find.
What have you done to still have a life while you are saving money? I know I have some coupon crazy friends out there! Well, Aloha for now, I am going to go work on my tan!

Total Savings: $561

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

Getting Organized in 2014

Happy 2014! I don’t know what it is about the beginning of a new year but it seems to get us in the mood to organize and de-clutter.  If you notice the sale ads in the newspapers this time of year, there are a variety of storage containers and expandable file organizers that are available to choose from in different shapes, sizes and colors to meet your needs.  So, while you are taking the time to get your home organized, why not take the time to get your financial affairs in order, as well?

In their 2013 Lunch-n-Learn session, “Financial Checkup,” Texas Bank and Trust Senior Vice President/Assistant Trust Manager Craig Chaikin and Senior Vice President/Senior Operations Manager Maurita Myers offered timely advice in organizing your financial information:

  • ·         Draft or Update your Will
  • ·         Draft a Living Will
  • ·         Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
  • ·         Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs
  • ·         Create a Letter of Instructions (This document should spell out your burial instructions, people to contact, the location of important legal documents, how to dispose of items not listed in the Will and even personal notes to family members.)
  • ·         Simplify your banking (set up direct deposits, pay bills on line or by draft and sign up for e-statements)
  • ·         Review your account ownerships and update signature cards if necessary
  • ·         Shred any outdated financial information

With all the changes that life brings, it is important to review your financial plan regularly to make sure your plans keep up with those changes. The recommendations noted above will help ensure that your assets are distributed as you intend. To download the Financial Checkup Checklist visit the OMNI web page located at www.texasbankandtrust.com

By: Sherry Gibbon
      Vice President and
       Community Relations Manager

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 29

It may be just me, but 20 something dollars has not seemed to be that much money…until now! For the past nine weeks, I have been struggling to put back my money each week. You would think that it was as if I was trying to set aside an extra couple $100 every seven days, but no, just one Andrew Jackson and a few Washingtons.

It makes me think back to when I was younger, you know back in the day about 10-15 years ago. I would receive money in cards for birthdays or Christmas and most of the time there was a $20 bill inside. My excitement when discovering my new found wealth was equivalent to an adult winning the lottery. I could not believe I was holding such a vast amount of money in my bare hands. In my head, $20 made me the richest kid on earth. After my giddiness wore off, I was faced with a dilemma.  Do I spend the paper that was burning a fiery hole in my pocket or to lock it up and hide it like the heart of Davy Jones? That way I would still be able to tell everyone that I was filthy rich since I possessed a whopping $20.

Then I grew into my teens and what I assumed was adulthood at the time, a mere naive 18. Somehow along the way that $20 had lost it’s value. $20 was a trip to the movies and hoping to have enough left for snacks. $20 was going to dinner with friends and having just enough to leave a tip, and that was paying for just me. I could no longer use my childhood riches to buy the things I wanted most. A new pair of jeans, the latest handbag, this season’s new shoes, filling my car up all the way with gas, seeing my favorite band in concert, or even just going to a Friday night football game was out of my $20 reach. I was dirt poor! I needed more money. I could not live on just $20 and was now in the mindset that this was chump change. Birthday and Christmas cards needed to up the ante to a minimum $50.

Fast forward just a few very short years and here I am now in my mid 20’s. It is amazing the stages you go through in life and the ones that always seem to come back around to you. I have entered back into my childhood ways of thinking. $20 on any given day seems like an extra payday to me now. I get just as excited seeing that Mr. Jackson as my ten-year-old self did not so long ago. In a way it is funny. That same dollar amount buys even less now than it did in my teen years, yet somehow the value of $20 has increased so much more to me.

So as we head into our 30’s weeks, I suggest that each of you go back and find that inner child and cling to every $30 amount with the jaws of life because it is only getting more difficult. Keep moving forward. We are more than halfway to the end!

Total Savings: $435

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 25

So here we are a week away from our halfway point. In exactly 26 weeks, half of the Savings Challenge will be officially over! I am actually surprised by how fast it has gone by, but not surprised in the least by how hard it has been. I will admit, I did have to skip a week or two and make up for those weeks later. It was not too long ago that I was on week one praying for the weeks to fly by, and what do you know, Christmas is here!

Christmas just happens to be my most favorite time of the year. I love the carols, movies, good food, time with family and friends, and just the spirit of the season, in general. However, it seems that every year the spirit of Christmas dies just a little bit. More and more people are focused on gifts, who can get the most for their money, and making sure they are giving the latest and greatest item. This, in my opinion, is destroying Christmas. The season does not feel quite the same as it used to. This is why I am actually grateful that I am doing the Challenge right now.

My spending has been minimal, to say the least. I have only purchased one small gift so far and it was about $30.00. I only plan on purchasing two additional gifts which will also be in the same price range. I was taught as a child that it is not about gifts, Santa, or even decorations. It is about the birth of Christ, family and friends, and the true Christmas spirit.

I have not purchased any new Christmas decorations or spent money on treats or clothing for parties or any Black Friday shopping. I have stayed home and enjoyed Christmas movies and spent time with my family. I have enjoyed being happy and not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the commercialized Christmas season. The Challenge has helped me emphasize the meaning behind the saying, “Christmas is the season of giving.” Giving does not have to mean a material object. You can give your special talents, knowledge, memories, a helping hand, time, and, of course, love!

Not every gift comes wrapped in pretty paper and a bow. I plan on giving many of these unwrapped gifts this Christmas. They have more meaning and it saves me money! Double win! If you are participating in the Challenge or just want to save money this holiday season, perhaps you will think of giving these types of gifts this year too. Have a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!

Total Savings: $325

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 19

If you read my last blog entry you know that I had two life bombs hit me and was worried about a possible third. Well, I will not leave you in suspense any longer…it hit!

I have no two-legged children so I am used to just taking care of myself; however, I do have a four-legged son named Jack. He is a miniature Schnauzer and my whole world. My friends think I am crazy because I treat Jack as if he is human. I do not even use the “D” word (dog) in my house, but if you have a “fur baby” you know what I am talking about.

Jack is five years old and completely healthy and perfect.  But over the past few weeks I noticed that his ears were bothering him more than usual (Schnauzers are known to have sensitive skin and ears) because he kept rubbing them against the carpet and constantly scratching them. Over the next couple of days his ears developed a horrific odor, so I began washing his ears everyday rather than the normal twice a week. One morning I woke up and Jack’s ear was so swollen and red that it almost looked as if there was some sort of growth forming on his ear. I immediately called his vet to schedule an appointment for that day.

So my poor baby Jack and I are sitting waiting for the vet to come in. I can tell he feels miserable plus the fact that he despises the vet and starts to shake uncontrollably. I tried to calm him down but had no success. His vet finally arrived, who by the way is amazing, and gave him a good thorough exam. Jack kept eyeing at me with this look that said, “Mommy, please help me!” which was so pitiful, but he was a brave boy through his shots and ear examination.

After all of that, we discovered that Jack has a severe ear infection with two different types of bacteria. His vet goes on to tell me that he will be on four different medications and that his ear problems may never fully go away. He may have them the rest of his life in fact. With all of that bad news, she proceeded to hand me a $300 bill and says, “We will see y’all in a couple of weeks.” All I can think of, with my mouth dragging the floor in shock, is “what is that going to cost me?”

So, of course $300 was very unexpected and not in my budget at all, but I am so thankful that Jack has what he needs to get better and would pay it again for him in a heartbeat. Because of this, I am having to readjust my budget and not to thrilled at what my finances are looking like. My boss likes to say to me, “Positivity, Tawny! Positivity!” in an almost sing song like voice with an incredibly enormous grin on her face. It’s true, I can be a little pessimistic at times and need to be more positive, but here is my view on the “it could always be worse”-type mantra. Everyone at some point has challenges in life. Yes, there could always be more or worse challenges, but it does not make the challenges you already have any easier!

Total savings: $190

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster

52 Week Savings Challenge: Week 14

For those of you out there who do not know me, I am a planner and do not handle the unexpected too well.  My first initial reaction to life’s mini bombs is to become panic stricken and completely freak out over the situation, regardless of how small and insignificant the bomb may be. To me even a paper cut will seem life-threatening. I will admit this is not one of my best qualities; however, I am working on it, and as of now I cannot see any significant progress, but that is a different blog.
That little smidge of background information leads me to tell you about a couple of things that happened to me over the past few weeks.

Bomb 1: I am enjoying my Sunday evening laying on my couch being lazy when I remembered something that I had needed to get out of the spare room in the back of my house. Other than a few things in the closet, the room is completely empty. As I walk in the room I notice little specs of reflecting light on the floor and as I walk over I can feel the color drain from my already pale face. Glass! This is about the time when panic starts to set in. I frantically raised my blinds and confirmed that, the world did in fact…hate me! Apparently, someone in my neighborhood likes to play golf and obviously needs LOTS of practice since the ball went through my window and landed on the other side of my room.
Of course, I go into freak out mode trying to figure out how I will replace the glass in a custom-size floor to ceiling window while doing this savings challenge. After phone calls to every glass place in the area and prices at a minimum of $250, I lucked out and found a family member who was able to replace it for me. All I had to do was purchase the glass and caulk. Score!

Bomb 2: I get home from long day at work and it was still pretty hot outside.  I normally keep the temperature in my house around 78 degrees to be conservative with energy (and money), but it was noticeably warmer in the house. So reluctantly, I turned down the air and even after a few hours it was still hot! I am thinking to myself, “What is the deal! Am I getting sick?” I go back and check the thermostat and it reads 80 degrees. I live in an older house that is well insulated so I know something is wrong.
Once again “Tawny Panic Mode” begins and I immediately Google everything I can find that may be the problem and how much it will cost to fix my AC. It is not in my budget right now to buy a new air conditioner or be able to have mine fixed. I have a friend that had an AC guy come take a look at my unit. Then the AC man delivered the earth shattering news. I have to have my entire AC unit inside and out replaced, which will cost several thousand dollars! Thankfully, my family is going to help me out, but now I will also be paying them back for the money on top of my savings challenge! I tell you, when it rains, it pours. I guess it could be worse, although I am curious to see how this will affect my savings.

So, the first lesson learned from  my life bombs is, it’s not enough to just have emergency money. You need emergency back up money for your emergency money because life bombs will happen when you least expect it and may come in multiples, so be ready. I hear they come in threes, but I am hoping that is just an old wives’ tale, or else I need to be on the lookout.  Second lesson learned, always become friends with people who have connections and resources you may need.

Total Savings: $105

By: Tawny Ormes
      Marketing Projects Coordinator
      and TBT Webmaster